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Professional Consulting Services
Having a full consulting service is a one of a kind opportunity to learn and grow!
This private service is offered at no cost, giving the ability to share information freely.
All can be In Person, Phone or Zoom.

Shelter, Animal Control or Rescue $0.00
You'll receive a one on one free consultation! This includes coming and touring your facility. Getting a personalized plan for your organization and continued support throughout this process.
What we can accomplish:
-Enrichment Program (Cats & Dogs)
-Volunteer Program
- Social Media Boost

Veterinary Hospital $0.00
You'll receive a one on one free consultation!
To discuss looking at your clinic in a new light! Let's make coming to the clinic a positive not so scary experience. We can look at your clinic with fresh eyes and help make it the best place possible!
Up & Coming Trainer ​$0.00
If you're an up coming trainer and looking for more information give us a call!
We would love to help you take those next steps to becoming a professional.
We can help guide you or just answer common questions about the field.
Individual or Group Behavior Assessments $0.00
If you're a rescue of shelter having to look at the behavior of a canine and determine the best course of action for that pet. We can help!
Using a combination of an assessment program such as: Sue Sternberg Asses A Pet or ASPCA SAFER & behavior information gathered from owner history or foster.
Educational Presenter $0.00
We're able to come and present any number of power point presentations!
Any subject you'd like to focus on for a classroom or a conference we can create what you need.
Past Presentations:
-Enrichment for the Canine Mind
-How to Pick Your next Pet
-Animal Control Training on Canine Body Language
-Not Just a Dog Toy?